What’s the key to getting the most from yourself, your staff and your customer? You have to learn what motivates each. Eve Bushman Consulting will come to meet you, and your staff, to see how efficiently you work together, and provide for your customer. Then we come back with suggestions on how to unlock your business potential.
And then…we find your “Purple Cow.”
For example:
A staffer that doesn’t like paperwork isn’t going to respond well to a new form we’ve designed. A customer that is motivated by price isn’t going to buy your latest gadget unless he/she deems it affordable. The owner of a business that hasn’t shared his vision with his staff, but yet wants his staff to feel the way he does, has to make some changes. We believe that every business has great potential, we are here to find the key to unlock yours.
And, most importantly, we work to increase your profitability. One example of this is transferring a customer’s “need” to a “want.” If that customer is motivated by appearance, then even if they really need that new crown on a decaying molar, we have to make it attractive.
This is where Eve Bushman Consulting comes in, and, more importantly, comes back to make sure ideas are implemented and, become policy.
What is a Purple Cow?
We search for your “Purple Cow.” This is the title one marketing book written by Seth Godin that we turn to. In a field of cows what stands out? A purple one. Just like in the numerous events we’ve run, we seek to offer the public something they haven’t seen before. Something they will seek out, remember, and come back for. An example would be showing a winery visitor why your club, which may be the bread and butter of your business, stands out. We can’t wait to brainstorm for your Purple Cow!
Why hire us?
Due to our 10+ collective years of experience our networks are very extensive, and we are respected in our community. We know the Santa Clarita market today, and study what our demographic will be looking for tomorrow. We guarantee one thing: We will unlock your business potential and show you how to keep it unlocked.
2017 update: Eve Bushman Consulting specializes on restaurants, wineries and bar campaigns.
Contact us today!
Eve Bushman – [email protected]
Michael Perlis – [email protected]